09 Jenkins

Download and install Jenkins 2.46


→ For 2.46 it required java 11

256 MB of RAM and 10 GB is a recommended ( Minimum hardware requirements:)

→ 50 GB+ of drive space

→ 2.426.1 (November 2023) -Java 11, Java 17, or Java 21

2.361.1 (September 2022) -Java 11 or Java 17

→ 2.346.1 (June 2022) -Java 8, Java 11, or Java 17

→ 2.164.1 (March 2019) -Java 8 or Java 11


→  download jenkins from : https://www.jenkins.io/download/ 

install Jenkins 

set destination folder 

→logon type

→selet Run service as localSystem

select port num default is 8080

→select Java home directory

→ next → finished 

Step 2: run and stop jenkins server 

Open services app in windows

  1. Search for Jenkins

  2. Right click, properties

  3. On Log On tab configure the credentials you want to use

  4. Reboot Jenkins

Step 3: user and password (my)

user: root

→password root 

Step 4: set system variable


→ C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11 → Add on system variable (JAVA_HOM)

→ C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\bin → Add on system variable > path 


→ C:\Program Files\Maven\apache-maven-3.6.1 →  Add on system variable (MAVEN_HOME)

→ C:\Program Files\Maven\apache-maven-3.6.1\bin →  Add on system variable > path 






Step 1: add plugins 

→Manage jenkins > plugins > available plugins >

→ select all except red 

Step 2 : set set java and maven

Manage jenkins > tools > 

→JDK installations

add JDK → name (JDK)

→ uncheck Install automatically

→ java home path (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11)

→Maven installations

add Maven→ name (Maven→ )

→ uncheck Install automatically

→ java home path (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11) → And save 

Step 3 : Add Job

  • New items  

  • enter an item(project)  name 

  • Select Maven project

  • Press Ok

    • Description

    • Source Code Management -> git -

      • Repository URL→https://github.com/myicskt/2023_2_19-jenkinesTest.git

    •  Branches to build

      • Branch Specifier (blank for 'any')

    • Build Triggers

      • Check → Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dependency is built? (build when add pushed code )

      • Build after other projects are built?

      • Build periodically?(Schedule time ) 5 stars with space (* * * * * ) reperesent  

MINUTES (0-59), HOURS(0-23), DAYMONTH(1-31), MONTH (1-12), DAYWEEK (0-7) where 0 and 7 are sunday

  • 14 15 * * * → run 3:14:10 PM every day 

  • 00 00  * * *  →  run every day at midnight 

  • 00 00  * * 1-5 →every day from Monday to Friday 

  • Build when a change is pushed to GitLab. GitLab webhook URL: http://localhost:8070/project/first%20project?

  • GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling?

  • Poll SCM?

  • Build Environment

    • Check → Delete workspace before build starts

  • Pre Steps→ blank for 'any’

  • Build

    • Root POM →pom.xml

    • Goals and options →  clean install 

  • Post Steps blank

  • Build Settings

    • E-mail Notification →

    • Recipients→  myicskt@gmail.com

    • Check 

      • Send e-mail for every unstable build

      • Send separate e-mails to individuals who broke the build

      • Send e-mail for each failed module?

  • Post-build Actions



  • Status → we can see project name, last result report, test result trend(graph)

  • Change code → if there is nay change in githug(source code) we can see here

  • Workspace → source code 

  • Build now → build the project now

  • Configuration → 

1. General configuration , 2. Source code management, 3. Build tigger, 4. Build environment, 5. Pre steps, 6. Build, 7. Post steps 8. Build setting, 9 post build action.

  • Delet project → To delet the project 

  • Models

  • Rebuild last

  • Favorite

  • Job history

  • Open blue ocean → set list of test and report  

To see console output

Go to → project → click on build num→ console Output

Headless browser 

A headless browser is a web browser without a graphical user interface (GUI). It operates in a "headless" mode, meaning it runs in the background without opening a window or rendering the content visually. Headless browsers are useful for automated testing and web scraping tasks where you don't need to interact with the browser visually but still need to manipulate web pages and extract data.

In Selenium with Java, you can use headless browsers like Chrome or Firefox using their respective headless modes. For example:

Using a headless browser can speed up your tests and make them more efficient because there's no overhead of rendering the web page visually. It also allows you to run tests in environments where there's no GUI available, such as on servers or in CI/CD pipelines.


 You can use Chrome's headless mode by setting the ChromeOptions.addArguments("--headless") .

System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "/path/to/chromedriver");

// Create ChromeOptions instance and enable headless mode

ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();

options.addArguments("--headless"); // Enable headless mode

// Instantiate ChromeDriver with ChromeOptions

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);


 You can use Firefox's headless mode by using the GeckoDriver and setting the FirefoxOptions FirefoxOptions.setHeadless(true)

// Set the path to the GeckoDriver executable

System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "/path/to/geckodriver");

// Create FirefoxOptions instance and enable headless mode

FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions();


  // Enable headless mode // Instantiate   FirefoxDriver with FirefoxOptions

   WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(options);

// Navigate to a website


There are several headless browser. Here is a lis of some commonly used headless browser.

  1. Chrome

  2. Firefox

  3. PhantomJS

  4. HtmlUnit

  5. HtmlUnit

  6. Selenium Grid with Docker: 



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