>> Mention the number of experience years
>> Job Title??
- Quality Assurance Engineer
- Automation Engineer etc.
>> Current Porject / Domain (high level)
- As a QA what is your main role
- What environment: Agile.
In addition:
>> Types of all environment you worked in
>> Types of testing you have performed
>> Types of tools you have used
>> Type of deliverables/documents you have created
>> Talk about Team:
- Team person
- Able to work independent
- Meet deadline
>> IF THEY ARE STILL Listening talk about your current team:
- How big is team?
- Who is part of the team?
1. Interface vs. Abstract Class? (JRE)
Interface: Cant have constructor
Abstract Class: You can not create object out of it
2. What is desired capabilities? or How do you handle SSL certificate issues?
Desired capabilities is a class. It Helps to set the property files for the webdriver for Appium.
You can use desired capabilites to ignore the SSL Certificate.
3. How do we utilize constructor concept in page object model?
Constructor concept is to set a initialize value for objects; in POM we use it to
initialize the webdriver such as setting Firefox/Chrome ...
4. How do we deal with Drop Down Element?
Use "Select" Class.
5. How do we deal with mouse hover over?
Use "Action" Class
6. Why do we use the properties class?
Used to make connection to properties files. In selenium > we use it read our config file
7. What is the need for creating object?
To create instance of the class so we can have access to the methods and variables.
8. How do we find duplicated value?
Java Collection : Set Interface. Set does not allow duplicated values.
9. What is headless browser? // Why use it?
Browser without the graphical user interface. Fastest Driver out there. Jenkins uses it. Headless browser is also mostly used by the performance testing team.
10. How do you handle iframe / windows in Selenium?
Using "Switch To"
Using window handler for windows
What do we use for handling the page load?
page load wait
How do you handle scrolling up and down?
Java Script Executor
What is Absolute vs Relative xpath?
How do you find all the broken links?
How do you find all the links?
How do you take screenshots?
"Take Screenshots" interface
What is step defination?
To map the feature with steps to the gherkin keyword.
What is hooks?
@before // @after
Hooks: will start the browser before test and close after test.
Using it as pre and post conidtion.
How many options we have?
Strict, Dry Run, Feature, Tag, Format, Glue (step defination path)
What is feature?
Feature path
What is the format option?
To generate our report in different formats.
Why do we use a runner class?
To execute cucumber test cases
How can we achieve data driven in cucumber?
Scenarios outline with example keyword
How do you set up cucumber in BDD environment?
Dependcies: cucumber-java, cucumber-jvm, gherkin, cucumber-junit, cucumber-reporting, selenium java, ...
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